Ingunn Fjóla Ingthorsdóttir

You are the Input

Ingunn Fjóla explores the tension between order and disorder in a playful manner. The installation is first of all painterly, in the sense that a system of patterns can be painterly. Within this system is an immersive experience in which the visitor operates the shifting scene as they move about the space. The installation is meant to be disturbed, but the manner of this disruption is displayed in such a way that the polarity between acts of disruption and composition are brought into question. The visitor can move materials in the exhibition around so that the system can break, or form, depending on how you conceive of the continuum of order and disorder. Everything exists within a range of movement established by the input of the visitor. At the end of the day, the exhibition is reset to the original pattern so that the variability always begins from the same point zero the next day and so the installation continues to exist in a constant flux between order and disorder.  


Eröffnung: 13. September 2019, 20 Uhr
Finissage: Sonntag, 13. Okober 2019, 15 Uhr

Typeface Flyer:

Terminal Grotesque by

Raphaël Bastide, with the contribution of Jérémy Landes