Timo Johannes (DE) Max Wolfs (DE) Guida Ribeiro (PT) Deana Petrović (RS) Bojana Petković (RS) Svetlana Maraš (RS)

2nd MAiR Serbia

Eröffnung: Freitag, 18. Oktober 2019, 20 Uhr
Finissage: Sonntag, 3. November 2019, 15 Uhr


MAiR (Media Artist in Residence) — former Graphic art colony for youth — is located in a small village of Prolom banja, south of Serbia. During one week of the residency invited artists had a chance to explore cultural historicity of the village, its nature and unkeen geological formations, as well as mythologies and narratives that such place holds. In such manner, the thematic framework reflects upon the poetics of technology and its relation to the natural and cultural specificities of a site that, by many reasons, is apart from the accelerated technological habitual places of technological development. How do art and technology relate to the myths and unbounded nature of such a place? How is sense created not by the hard scientific reasoning of science, but by the poetic, narrative, alchemical and mythological foundations of thought bounded to nature? Within this framework Svetlana Maraš, Timo Johannes, Bojana Petković, Deana Petrović, Guida Ribeiro and Maximilian Wolfs further their own artistic practice through a variety of methods that range from producing technological experiments, producing narratives, speculating, and thinking together on site.